Meet Melissa

Hi there, my name is Melissa Emkey and I have had thin hair all my life. I noticed it getting really thin in 2014, but we had just moved and I started thinking it was just the stress of moving. I tried extensions for a while, but they were really a pain and took a long time to style and blend with my bio hair. Well, it continued and by the Summer of 2018 it was really bad. No balding, just overall thinning. The Doctor tested my thyroid with several different tests, but all came back normal, yeah right, I still don't believe them, ha. Ok, I guess it's just genetics, getting older (just turned 40) and who knows what else.
 I could kind of disguise my hair loss by keeping my hair up in a small clip or a baby bun, but really always desired to have nice hair. Ok, I'd take just decent hair that I could wear down. My husband knew it bothered me, so he suggested trying a wig. I went to a wig shop and tried on a few synthetics (it was all they had) and boy, it was way too much hair for me, it looked down right silly. Looking back, I'm sure some of it was me just not used to that much hair compared to my thin hair. 
Well, that trip to the wig shop got me looking into alternatives to wigs.  I still had some hair and really didn't need a full wig, but couldn't pull off extensions anymore with the thinning, so in researching options, I found toppers.  Wow, I was amazed at this whole new (to me) world. I ordered a human hair topper and it took a few days to get use to it, but wow! I was in love!  I really almost cried when I saw how good "my" hair looked.  I can say without a doubt that it was life changing for me that day, it really was amazing.  So within a month or so, my company Serenity Wigs and toppers was born. I’m not 100% why the name Serenity, it just kind of came to me, but I did feel such an amazing peace and calm with my new found hair, so I think it’s fitting. Because of the amazing transformation the topper offered me, I wanted to offer that same hope and excitement to other women suffering from hair loss. I hope that God can use my hair loss story to help other women going through the same thing.